Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Criminal Law as a product of Social Engineering Essay

Criminal Law as a product of Social Engineering - Essay Example When the number of inmates the various prisons also increases as a result of the high rate of crimes, then the catering of these inmates becomes another head-ache of the government. All these things do not allow governments especially in developing countries to be able to use the scarce resources they have on more useful and profitable things which will bring them more income to be able to develop their economies. This when studied further will in a long term becomes another cause of crime. This is because when a country's economy is very poor there will be no jobs for the citizens hence poverty will be on the increase. These citizens therefore in an attempt to be able to earn some money to feed themselves and their families tend to engage in criminal acts. This makes the whole process become more or less a viscous circle. The governments not only will not be able to generate more revenue to improve their economy ,but also they will not be able to provide the basic amenities all thei r citizens may need. these include good drinking water,electricity,medical services and so on. When it comes to the social effects crime has ,it is quite obvious that communities where crime rates are high ,the younger generations or citizens grow up to become very violent people .This is because they are e always surrounded by violence and this affects them psychologically. It makes them believe in nothing else but violence and illegal ways as the only way to get what they want. They have not even the slightest idea about what peace is really about or even what the laws of their country are and their significance. If a country or community has its younger generation who are supposed to be the future leaders of that community have such a character and wrong perception, you would agree with me that that community really has a lot to do to have a good future. Social engineering as labeled above as a very important issue in the combat against crime ,can be described as the use policies that are base don the findings of social science to deal with social problems of which crime is no exemption. Policies made by governments come in different forms, but the one that comes to light in this context is the regulatory policies. This policies as the name implies, are meant to give limits to individuals and co-operate bodies in their decision making and actions. These policies when made serve as a guideline or step to step actions or procedures the government needs to follow in order to be able to achieve a set goal. Before policies are made, various things are taken into consideration ,these include the purpose for which the policy is been made. These is when the governments need the ideas of the experts in the specific sector within which the policy is been made. that is whether it is an education, health, est. policy. When it comes to policies o f social engineering ,the ideas of experts in the social sciences are needed in order to structure out the policies in such a way to be able to achieve its set goal or purpose .Social science involves of how groups of people behave ,often in effort

Monday, October 28, 2019

Personal Identity Essay Example for Free

Personal Identity Essay Who am I? Descartes’ answer was simply I am a mind (sum res cogitans). Descartes arrived at this answer by introspection – by looking inside himself. David Hume offered a brilliant critique of the idea that one can find one’s self through introspection.   â€Å"When I turn my reflection on myself, I never can perceive this self without some one or more perceptions; nor can I ever perceive anything but the perceptions. It is the composition of these, therefore, which forms the self. † (Treatise, Appendix) In other words, we have no direct knowledge of or experience of the self; we only have knowledge of particular sensations, memories, and so on.   We must suppose that there is something that underlies or bundles together these sensations, and that is the self. Personal Identity When philosophers talk about â€Å"personal identity,† they are asking how it is that two distinct persons can be the same. Lets have persons a and b. Suppose a = you (aged 16) and b = you (now).   What makes you remain the same person? You are the same person over time because you have the same soul (dualism), also, if and only if you have access to the same store of memories, if there is a continuity of your organism (Animalism) and if and only if you have the same brain view over time.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Partial Birth Abortion :: Biology Essays Research Papers

Partial Birth Abortion In the continuing debates on the legality and morality of abortion, "partial birth" abortions have become a hot topic. What exactly is a partial birth abortion? Nebraska state legislation defines it as "an abortion procedure in which the person performing the abortion partially delivers a living unborn child before killing the unborn child and completing delivery" (1). While this definition may be fine for legal purposes, it still does not address the actual procedures; we still do not know what an actual partial birth abortion procedure entails. The most common procedure is called Intact Dilation and Evacuation, or D&E. D&E involves dismembering the fetus inside the uterine cavity and then pulling it out through the already dilated cervix (1) . Another less common, but more controversial method is the dilation and extraction method, or D&X. This procedure requires a woman to take medication several days in advance to dilate the cervix. Once the cervix has dilated, she returns to complete the procedure. When she returns, the physician turns the fetus around in the uterus so that it is positioned feet first, and then delivers the fetus until only the head remains inside the mother's body. At this point, the physician punctures the base if the skull and suctions out the contents of the fetus' head, causing the skull to collapse. The dead fetus is then removed from the woman's body (2). In each case the head (or more) is left inside the woman's body because in order for a birth to have occurred under common law the head of the f etus must leave the mother's body. Under the current interpretation of the United States Constitution, a person must be born in order to be protected by the government, so by leaving the head in the mother's body the procedure is considered to be legally viable (1). Proponents of a ban on partial birth abortions cite what they see as the extreme cruelty of the procedures as violating the constitutional rights of the fetus. They believe that birth should be defined as occurring as soon as any part of the fetus' torso above the navel is visible, or when any of the fetus' body has left the mother (1). Many argue that since the fetus in undoubtedly alive during the procedure, the issue of whether or not an actual birth has occurred should be of little consequence (3).

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Carrie Chapter Eight

She lay on her bed, looking at the ceiling, sweating. ‘Carrie! Supper!' ‘Thank you, (i am not afraid) Momma.' She got up and fixed her hair with a dark-blue headband. Then she went downstairs From The Shadow Exploded (p. 59): How apparent was Carrie's ‘wild talent' and what did Margaret White, with her extreme Christian ethic, think of it? We shall probably never know. But one is tempted to believe that Mrs White's reaction must have been extreme †¦ ‘You haven't touched your pie, Carrie.' Momma looked up from the tract she had been perusing while she drank her Constant Comment. ‘It's homemade.' ‘It makes me have pimples, Momma.' ‘Your pimples are the Lord's way of chastising you. Now eat your pie.' ‘Momma?' ‘Yes?' Carrie plunged. ‘I've been invited to the Spring Ball next Friday by Tommy Ross-‘ The tract was forgotten. Momma was staring at her with wide my ears-are-deceiving-me eyes. Her nostrils flared like those of a horse that has heard the dry rattle of a snake. Carrie tried to swallow an obstruction and only (i am not afraid o yes i am) got rid of part of it. ‘-and he's a very nice boy. He's promised to stop in and meet you before and-‘ ‘No.' ‘-to have me in by eleven. I've-‘ ‘No, no, no!' ‘-accepted. Momma, please see that I have to start to, to try and get along with the world. I'm not like you. I'm funny – I mean, the kids think I'm funny. I don't want to be. I want to try and be a whole person before it's too late to-‘ Mrs White threw her tea in Carrie's face. It was only lukewarm, but it could not have shut of Carrie's words more suddenly if it had been scalding. She sat numbly, the amber fluid dripping from her chin and cheeks on to her white blouse, spreading. It was sticky and smelled like cinnamon. Mrs White sat trembling, her face frozen except for her nostrils, which continued to flare. Abruptly she threw back her head and screamed at the ceiling. ‘God! God! God!' Her jaw snapped brutally over each syllable. Carrie sat without moving. Mrs White got up and came around the table. Her hands were hooked into shaking claws. Her face bore a half-mad expression of compassion mixed with hate. ‘The closet,' she said. ‘Go to your closet and pray.' ‘No, Momma.' ‘Boys. Yes, boys come next. After the blood the boys come. Like sniffing dogs, grinning and slobbering, trying to find out where that smell is. That †¦ smell!' She swung her whole arm into the blow, and the sound of her palm against Carrie's face (o god i am so afraid now) was like that flat sound of a leather belt being snapped in air. Carrie remained seated, although her upper body swayed. The mark on her cheek was first white, then blood red. ‘The mark,' Mrs White said. Her eyes were large but blank, she was breathing in rapid, snatching gulps of air. She seemed to be talking to herself as the claw hand descended on to Carrie's shoulder and pulled her out of her chair. ‘I've seen it, all right. Oh yes. But. I. Never. Did. But for him. He. Took. Me . . .' She paused, her eyes wandering vaguely toward the ceiling. Carrie was terrified. Momma seemed in the throes of some great revelation which might destroy her. ‘Momma-‘ ‘In cars. Oh, I know where they take you in their arms. City limits. Roadhouses. Whiskey. Smelling †¦ oh they smell it on you!' Her voice rose to a scream. Tendons stood out on her neck, and her head twisted in a questing upward rotation. ‘Momma, you better stop.' This seemed to snap her back to some kind of hazy reality. Her lips twitched in a kind of elementary surprise and she halted, as if groping for old bearings in a new world. ‘The closet,' she, muttered. ‘Go to your closet and pray. ‘No.' Momma raised her hand to strike. ‘No!' The hand stopped in the dead air. Momma stared up at it, as if to confirm that it was still there, and whole. The pie pan suddenly rose from the trivet on the table and hurled itself across the room to impact beside the living-room door in a splash of blueberry drool. ‘I'm going, Momma!' Momma's overturned teacup rose and flew past her head to shatter above the stove. Momma shrieked and dropped to her knees with her hands over her head. ‘Devil's child,' she moaned. ‘Devil's child. Satan spawn-‘ ‘Momma, stand up.' ‘Lust and licentiousness, the cravings of the flesh-‘ ‘Stand up!' Momma's voice faded her but she did stand up, with her hands still on her head, like a prisoner of war. Her lips moved. To Carrie she seemed to be reciting the Lord's ]Prayer. ‘I don't want to fight with you, Momma,' Carrie said, and her voice almost broke from her and dissolved. She struggled to control it. ‘I only want to be let to live my own life. I†¦ I don't like yours.' She stopped, horrified in spite of herself. The ultimate blasphemy had been spoken, and it was a thousand times worse than the Eff Word. ‘Witch,' Momma whispered. ‘It says in the Lord's Book: â€Å"Thou shalt not suffer a witch to bye.† Your father did the Lord's work-‘ ‘I don't want to talk about that,' Carrie said. It always disturbed her to hear Momma talk about her father. ‘I just want you to understand that things are going to change around here, Momma.' Her eyes gleamed. ‘They better understand it, too.' But Momma was whispering to herself again. Unsatisfied, with a feeling of anticlimax in her throat and the dismal rolling of emotional upset in her belly, she went to the cellar to get her dress material. It was better than the closet. There was that. Anything was better than the closet with its blue light and the overpowering stench of sweat and her own sin. Anything. Everything. She stood with the wrapped package hugged against her breast and closed her eyes, shutting out the weak glow of the cellar's bare, cobweb-festooned bulb. Tommy Ross didn't love her, she knew that. This was some strange kind of atonement, and she could understand that and respond to it. She had lain cheek and jowl with the concept of penance since she had been old enough to reason. He had said it would be good-that they would see to it. Well, she would see to it. They better not start anything. They just better not. She did not know if her gift had come from the lord of light or of darkness, and now, finally finding that she did not care which, she was overcome with an almost indescribable relief, as if a huge weight, long carried, had slipped from her shoulders. Upstairs, Momma continued to whisper. It was not the Lord's Prayer. It was the Prayer of Exorcism from Deuteronomy. From My Name Is Susan Snell (p. 23): They finally even made a movie about it. I saw it last April. When I came out, I was sick. Whenever anything important happens in America, they have to gold-plate it, like baby shoes. That way you can forget it. And forgetting Carrie White may be a bigger mistake than anyone realizes †¦ Monday morning: Principal Grayle and his understudy, Pete Morton, were having coffee in Grayle's office. ‘No word from Hargensen yet?' Morty asked. His lips curled into a John Wayne leer that was a little frightened around the edges. ‘Not a peep. And Christine has stopped lipping off about how her father is going to send us down the road.' Grayle blew on his coffee with a long face. ‘You don't exactly seem to be turning cartwheels.' ‘I'm not. Did you know Carrie White is going to the prom?' Morty blinked. ‘With who? The Beak?' The Beak was Freddy Holt, another of Ewen's misfits. He weighed perhaps one hundred pounds soaking wet, and the casual observer might be tempted to believe that sixty of it was nose. ‘No,' Grayle said. ‘With Tommy Ross.' Morty swallowed his coffee the wrong way and went into a coughing fit. ‘That's the way I felt,' Grayle said. ‘What about his girl friend? The little Snell girl?' I think she put him up to it,' Grayle said. ‘She certainly seemed guilty enough about what happened to Carrie when I talked to her. Now she's on the Decoration Committee, happy as a clam, just as if not going to her Senior prom was nothing at all.' ‘Oh,' Morty said wisely. ‘And Hargensen – I think he must have talked to some people and discovered we really could sue him on behalf of Carrie White if we wanted to. I think he's cut his losses. It's the daughter that's worrying me.' ‘Do you think there's going to be an incident Friday night?' ‘I don't know. I do know Chris has got a lot of friends who are going to be there. And she's going around with that Billy Nolan mess; he's got a zooful of friends, too. The kind that make a career out of scaring pregnant ladies. Chris Hargensen has him tied around her finger, from what I've heard.' ‘Are you afraid of anything specific?' Grayle made a restless gesture. ‘Specific? No. But I've been in the game long enough to know it's a bad situation. Do you remember the Stadler game in seventy-six?' Morty nodded. It would take more than the passage of three years to obscure the memory of the Ewen-Stadler game. Bruce Trevor had been a marginal student but a fantastic basketball player. Coach Gaines didn't like him, but Trevor was going to put Ewen in the area tournament for the first time in ten years. He was cut from the team a week before Ewen's but must-win game against the Stadler Bobcats. A regular announced locker inspection had uncovered a kilo of marijuana behind Trevor's civic book. Ewen lost the game – and their shot at the tourney – 104-48. But no one remembered that; what they remembered was the riot that had interrupted the game in the fourth period. Led by Bruce Trevor, who righteously claimed he had been bum rapped, it resulted in four hospital admissions. One of them had been the Stadler coach, who had been hit over the head with a first-aid kit. ‘I've got that kind of feeling,' Grayle said. ‘A hunch. Someone's going to come with rotten apples or something.' ‘Maybe you're psychic,' Morty said. From The Shadow Exploded (pp. 92-93): It is now generally agreed that the TK phenomenon is a geneticrecessive occurrence – but the opposite of a disease like haemophilia, which becomes overt only in males. In that disease, once called ‘King's Evil,' the gene is recessive in the female and is carried harmlessly. Male offspring, however, are ‘bleeders.' This disease is generated only if an afflicted male marries a woman carrying the recessive gene. If the offspring of such union is male, the result will be a haemophiliac son. If the offspring is female, the result will be a daughter who is a carrier. It should be emphasized that the haemophilia gene may be carried recessively in the male as a part of his genetic make-up. But if he marries a woman with the same outlaw gene, the result will be haemophilia if the offspring is male. In the case of royal families, where intermarriage was common, the chances of the gene reproducing once it entered the family tree were high – thus the name King's Evil. Haemophilia also showed up in significant quantities in Appalachia during the earlier part of this century, and is commonly noticed in those cultures where incest and the marriage of first cousins is common. With the TK phenomenon, the male appears to be the carrier.. the TK gene may be recessive in the female, but dominates only in the female. It appears that Ralph White carried the gene. Margaret Brigham, by purest name, also carried the outlaw gene sign, but we may be fairly confident that it was recessive, as no information has ever been found to indicate that she had telekinetic powers resembling her daughter's. Investigations are now being conducted into the life of Margaret Brigham's grandmother, Sadie Cochran – for, if the dominant/recessive pattern obtains with TK as it does with haemophilia, Mrs Cochran must have been TK-dominant. If the issue of the White marriage had been male, the result would have been another carrier. Chances that the mutation would have died with him would have been excellent, as neither side of the Ralph White – Margaret Brigham alliance had cousins of a comparable age for the theoretical male offspring to marry. And the chances of meeting and marrying another woman with TK gene at random would be small. None of the teams working on the problem have yet isolated the gene. Surely no one can doubt, in light of the Maine holocaust, that isolating this gene must become one of medicine's number-one priorities. The haemophiliac, or H-gene, produces male issue with a lack of blood platelets. The telekineticn or TK-gene, produces female Typhoid Marys capable of destroying almost at will †¦ Wednesday afternoon. Susan and fourteen other students – The Spring Ball Decoration Committee, no less – were working on the huge mural that would hang behind the twin bandstand on Friday night. The theme was Springtime in Venice (who picked thew hokey themes, Sue wondered. She had been a student at Ewen for four years, had after two Balls, and she still didn't know. Why did the goddam thing need a theme, anyway? Why not just have a sock hop and be done with W): George Chizmar, Ewen's most artistic student, had done a small chalk sketch of gondolas on a canal at sunset and a gondolier in a huge straw fedora leaning against the tiller as a gorgeous panoply of pinks and reds and oranges stained both sky and water. It was beautiful, no doubt about that. He had redrawn it in silhouette on a huge fourteen-by-twenty-foot canvas flat, numbering the various sections to go with the various chalk hues. Now the Committee was patiently colouring it in, like children crawling over a huge page in a giant 's colouring book. Still, Sue thought, looking at her hands and forearms, both heavily dusted with pink chalk, it was going to be the prettiest prom ever. Next to her, Helen Shyres sat up on her haunches, stretched, and groaned as her back popped. She brushed a hank of hair from her forehead with the back of her hand, leaving a rose-coloured smear. ‘How in hell did you talk me into this?' ‘You want it to be nice, don't you?' Sue mimicked Miss Geer, the spinster chairman (apt enough term for Miss Mustache) of the Decoration Committee. ‘Yeah, but why not the refreshment Committee or the Entertainment Committee? Less back, more mind. The mind, that's my area. Besides, you're not even -‘ She bit down on the words. ‘Going?' Susan shrugged and picked up her chalk again. She had a monstrous writer's cramp. ‘No, but I still want it to be nice.' She added shyly: ‘Tommy's going.' They worked in silence for a bit, and then Helen stopped again. No one was near them; the closest was Holly Marshall, on the other end of the mural, colouring the gondola's keel. ‘Can I ask you about it, Sue?' Helen asked finally. ‘God, everybody's talking.' ‘Sure.' Sue stopped colouring and flexed her hand. ‘Maybe I ought to tell someone, just so the story stays straight. I asked Tommy to take Carrie. I'm hoping it'll bring her out of herself a little †¦ knock down some of the barriers. I think I owe her that much.' ‘Whom does that put the rest of us?' Helen asked without rancour. Sue shrugged. ‘You have to make up your own mind about what we did, Helen. I'm in no position to throw stones. But I don't want people to think I'm uh †¦'

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Contribution of Arts in the Uplift of Society Essay

The meaning of â€Å"art† has changed since the industrial revolution and a clarification has to come if we should be able to handle the problem from our own angle. First of all, the esotery of art must disappear; its limitation to specialists; the mysticism around it; the looking out for geniuses only. It is good to believe that in the future art may be explained in intellectual terms with greater clarity than it is possible today. Psychoanalysis already shows the mechanics of dreams, the role of the unconscious. The hope is justified that the mechanics of creative work and its sources will be unveiled one day as well. This may be the preliminary step to understanding its necessary community function and also its vital importance for the individual. He must be activized by doing instead of being merely a receptive participant. Our mass-produced civilization, the tiresome work at the conveyor belts, the cheap narcotics given in records, books, papers, magazines, cinema, radio and, of course, the disappearance of leisure killed folk art. The artist who already started to become a specialist in the craftsman-guilds of the middle ages took over every aspect of its functions. Specialization was forced upon us through hundreds of ungoverned happening and their mostly unforeseen effects; through hastened decisions in accepting and developing the machine as the only means of production; through a first unexpected but later forced gigantic growth of population, profit motives, etc., all claimed today as providential or â€Å"economic† necessities. For the time being, very few people know that the present form of specialization is a terrible weapon against us, against human nature. I am not speaking against the machine or the machine age. The machine is a splendid invention and will form the new basis for a more developed human society. But after the glorious technomania of the twenties, we know today that man cannot master the machine until he has leanred to master himself. But how can he achieve this when he even does not know what he possesses, what his abilities and capacities are? He has delivered himself to thoughtless specialization which results in the development of certain of his faculties and—as a consequence of this—in a rather unnatural passivity outside of his specialized work. People are taught that the best way of living is to buy other people’s energy, to use other people’s skill. In other words, a dangerous metropolitan dogma developed that the different subject matters are best handled by experts and no one should violate the borders of his specialized work of profession. So through the division of labor and the mechanized methods not only the production of daily necessities and goods has passed into the hands of specialists but almost every outlet for the emotional life as well. Today the artist-specialists have to provide for emotions. They are paid—if they are—for that. The sad consequence is that the biological interest in everything within the spheres of human existence becomes suffocated by the tinsel of a seemingly easygoing life. Man who has biologically the potential to comprehend the world with the entirety of his abilities, to conceive and express himself through different media, the word, tone, color, etc., agrees voluntarily to the amputation of these most valuable potentialities. Nothing proves better the lost feeling for the fundamentals of human life than the fact that has to be emphasized today: Feeling and thinking and their expression in any media belong to the normal living standard of man; to live without them means starvation of the intellectual and emotional side of life as missing food means starvation of the body. The non-verbalized expression of feeling is what we may call art, but not art on a pedestal. Art is a community matter transcending the limitations of specialization. It is the most intimate language of the senses, indispensable for the individual in society. Its function is to be a seismograph of the relationships of the individual to the world, intuitive re-creation of the balance between the emotional, intellectual and social existences of the individual. Everywhere in the world, since about 1910, young artists have tried to understand this. They searched for the best way to express themselves, to solve the problems which painting, sculpture, writing, composition brought to them. They did not search for â€Å"art†, but for sincere expression. Intuitively they returned to the fundamentals of the media—the painter to color and light, the sculptor to volume, the architect to space, the composer to tone, the writer to the word. Their work opens the way to the lost emotional sensorial sources and to a kind of socio-biology of the human being. But yet there is a great lag in the people’s mind concerning the benefits of this appro ach. Nothing more surprising has happened in the life of a nation, expcept perhaps in Russia, than the establishing of the Federal Art Project in the United States of America. Though it started as a part of the Social Security Act of the WPA it grew in a short time beyond this relief aspect. The Federal Art Project gave the country a new valuation of the arts, badly needed as the pioneers bringing civilization over a continent with audacity and hard physical work could not see in the arts for a long time anything but luxury. The Federal Art Project broke down this fallacy. It represented a gigantic educational work, not in the sense that it â€Å"brought art to the people† or created art for the people, but that it tried to anchor it in, with, among, and of the people. Since the Federal Art Project is liquidated, a greater responsibility lies with the educators of this country than ever before. It is up to them to see that art should be a part of life. This could be done early, but not as a timetable subject segregated from the other branches of the curriclum, but as an interpenetrating reality with all of them. If the unity of art can be established with all the subject matters taught and exercised, then a real reconstruction of this world could be hoped for—more balanced and less dangerous.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

F.Scott FitzgeraldS The Great Gatsby Essays - The Great Gatsby

F.Scott FitzgeraldS The Great Gatsby Essays - The Great Gatsby F.Scott FitzgeraldS The Great Gatsby The Great Gatsby One of the most prominent themes in F. Scott Fitzgeralds novel, The Great Gatsby, is of the American Dream. This dream can be many things to many different people, but everyone does have some sort of goal that they want to accomplish in their life. For Jay Gatsby, the dream is that through wealth, power, and financial stability, one can acquire pure happiness and self-satisfaction. This happiness that he is reaching for is to be reunited with his love from days past, Daisy. Before Gatsby went off to fight in the war, he and Daisy had been involved. Gatsby, realizing that Daisy was from a wealthy family, knew that he couldnt financially support Daisy if he were to ask for her hand in marriage. Then Gatsby went off to war and Daisy married Tom Buchanan, who was also from a wealthy family. Returning from war, Gatsby decides to become a completely different person. He begins this transformation by changing his name from James Gatz to Jay Gatsby. Then, through illegal dealings in organized crime, he becomes wealthy and able to afford anything to get closer to Daisy. Gatsby bought that house so that Daisy would be just across the bay (83), and he fills his estate with many luxuries and throws many extravagant parties to impress people, hoping that it will lead him to Daisy. Unfortunately for Gatsby, there is a foul dust that preys on him (6). This foul dust is made up of societys twisted views of the classes. Tom, Daisys husband believes that because he is from a wealthy family, then he can do whatever pleases him, which, in this case, is an affair. Because Gatsby is part of the nouveau riche, he is not as accepted and welcome into that class of society. Gatsby, however, will not rest until he fulfills his dream of pure happiness by being with Daisy. In the pursuit of his disillusioned goal, Gatsby ends up dead and never able to carry out his American Dream of finding true self-satisfaction in life.

Monday, October 21, 2019

In God We Trust and the First Amendment essays

In God We Trust and the First Amendment essays There might be contentions in some sectors of the American society that putting the In God We Trust phase in U.S. currencies violates the First Amendment rights which states that: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances (The United States Constitution). But if the amendment is carefully dissected, it states a general clause that tempers the government from prohibiting the free and democratic exercise of believing in a supreme deity. It does not specifically promote or condone a particular religious sect or faith but rather gives a universal perspective of practicing ones beliefs provided one religious belief does not curtail the practice of another. The In God we Trust phrase can also apply to any religious group because the term God can be interpreted as a generic term for a supreme being believed by any religious group. Indeed, there is the separation of the Church and the State in the United States, and putting the In God We Trust does not uphold any particular religious organization but rather gives a sweeping idealistic notion that the political government of the United States promotes freedom of ones chosen religion but will not specifically represent any one specific religion. Thus, if I were to give a final judgment on whether the In God We Trust phrase violates the First Amendment, I would surely say it does not in the general sense because it simply expounds on the Founding Fathers belief in a supreme deity without getting into specifics. Only if a particular group challenges my judgment or complains that the phrase is actually a connotation that supports religion or is against the concept of separation of the Church and the State will I take at second look at the ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How a Battle of Memories Got Me Thinking on Memorial Day

How a Battle of Memories Got Me Thinking on Memorial Day Memory. I’m writing this on Memorial Day, and I ask you: Do you trust your memory? I have recently had several occasions to consider the question of memory. The first and most personal was a battle of memories. Some of you may remember that I sent a survey out to my readers- with entry into a raffle as a reward for completing it- but forgot to collect contact information along with the survey responses. When I wrote an email apologizing and asking for names and email addresses, I also mentioned that I would like to know who called me an â€Å"adorable genius.† The Battle In an odd twist, not one but two people claimed to have written the â€Å"adorable genius† quote! And they both had clear evidence in their own minds that they had written it. I tried every way I could think of, jogging their memories and getting concrete evidence. Neither recognized, upon my sending them, the answers to the other two questions in the survey. Both have Charter as their Internet Service Provider and live in Madison, so the IP address and location contained in the SurveyMonkey report were of no use. And both expressed a level of hurt that I would doubt them. After various exchanges with both men, I believe that each of them believes he wrote the comment. I will probably never know which one of them it actually was. If you have an idea of how to solve this quandary, please let me know. In the meantime, I’ll accept that memory is not perfect. And I will be honored that at least two people in my life have such a positive sentiment toward me. Perhaps in this particular case, the truth doesn’t really matter in the end. The Importance- and Unreliability- of Memory In other situations, mistaken memory has greater consequences. I have been listening to the Amanda Knox story, Waiting to Be Heard  , a memoir of an American college student wrongly convicted of murder in Italy. Following the murder, Amanda was questioned repeatedly by police until she did not trust her own memory. Amanda was not an eyewitness to the crime, but was the first person to discover the crime scene. She was therefore questioned aggressively, and was ultimately, in part because she did not report every detail of what she saw consistently, accused of and sentenced for the murder. According to Wikipedia, it is well-accepted that eyewitness testimony in trials is fairly unreliable and should not be viewed as the absolute truth. A person’s mood can affect how he or she remembers something- and moods can swing quite dramatically at the time of a crime. Furthermore, in something called the â€Å"misinformation effect,† someone’s memory can become compromised because of additional information obtained after the event. The Journal of the Association for Psychological Science published a study showing that simply recalling a memory enhances or distorts it! (See Lifehacker’s Why Your Memory Sucks (and What You Can Do About It) and Double Woods 4 Crazy Things We Misunderstand About Human Memory for engaging explorations of these topics!) The Delusion of Trusting Memory If something as simple as this can make memory unreliable, why do we ever trust our recollection of events? Furthermore, why do we trust ourselves to remember to do the things we say we’re going to do? Last week I had a short homework assignment to do for a non-credit personal growth class I’m taking. The assignment was given on Monday and was due on Wednesday night. I did not put time in my calendar to do it. All day Tuesday I thought about doing the assignment, but I wanted to wait until I had more material to put into it. Guess what? Wednesday night came and went, and I had not done it. I am also notorious for thinking I’ll remember what I need from the grocery store, then forgetting a key item I meant to buy. Yet I persist in almost never writing down my shopping lists (and in doubling back to the store to get what I forgot). Perhaps if the grocery were 50 miles instead of a 5-minute walk from my house, I would change my system. Write it Down! On a group business coaching call last week, one of the participants expressed frustration that an employee did not remember how to do a task after learning how to do it. Sometimes this employee didn’t remember having done the task at all. The obvious solution was to have this employee write down everything he does and document it. This way he can repeat the task later and also have evidence of what he has done and not done. The truth is, our memories are almost completely unreliable. We are overly confident in our ability to remember things, and we make a lot of mistakes due to that overconfidence. Not only that, but we expect other people to remember things accurately! I am still baffled that two people are 100% certain that they wrote that  Ã‚   â€Å"adorable genius† comment. But after the little bit of research I did on memory, it makes sense that at some point their memory was simply altered. Clearly, writing things down is a great antidote and solves many memory issues. If I had collected information the first time around for my secret admirers, I would have known who gave me the â€Å"adorable genius† compliment. If I put things on my calendar I almost always remember to do them. If I put things on a shopping list I buy them. If I write down my brilliant blog ideas I remember to write about them! While I know writing things down is a good idea, I imagine I will continue to do so only sometimes- until something becomes a big enough problem that I need to make a change. Memorial Day On a day like Memorial Day, we are called to remember in a different way. This day is an opportunity to honor the men and women we have lost. Yet most of us go to parties and picnics without thinking too much about the solemn aspects of the holiday. Our memories are so unreliable that we forget to remember at all. On this Memorial Day, whether we remember accurately or not, let’s remember that sometimes the point is, quite simply, just to remember. Category:Life and LeadershipBy Brenda BernsteinMay 25, 2015

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Computers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Computers - Essay Example This essay is an evaluation of computer networks dedicated to laptop desktop connection. Data communication is the transfer of information from the sender to the receiver through a communication medium. The most common media for this process include cables, air/waves and satellite etc. Telephone communication starts with the sender initiating a connection by dialing the recipient’s number from his data transmission equipment (DTE) (Harte and Ofrane 2006). Once he does this, the call passes through either a public switched network (PSTN) or a private branch exchange (PBX) depending on the nature of the call. A PBX is a telephone switching exchange that is dedicated to controlling telephone communication within a company or an organization. It connects calls within the company by providing extensions to calls that originate from various offices instead of hiring lines for every department. It also connects calls to outside networks. A PSTN connects local and international calls, in a large network structure that is not restricted to a specific subscriber or organization (Harte and Ofrane 2006). Once the call is switched to his address, the receiver is alerted and to complete the connection, he has to switch on his DTE to start transmission. Telephone switching companies also offer internet connection services through their satellites which act as gateways to wide area networks. This connection involves transmission of digital signals through analog transmitting lines. For this to occur, modems are connected on both ends of the transmission for the purpose of modulating (converting digital signals into analog) the signals from the sending machine and demodulating (converting analog signals back into digital form) signals on the receiving machine (Hennesy 2006). This is because computers only understand digitized information which is in binary form i.e. 1s& 0s A

Friday, October 18, 2019

Structuralism in Marxist theories Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Structuralism in Marxist theories - Essay Example Marxism has left a legacy of social theory upon which to critics construct literary theories in order to gain deeper insight into the belief systems of authors and the societies they represent. This kind of criticism is materialist; that is, deeply rooted in the economic structure of societies. Such theorists as Louis Althusser and Terry Eagleton represented structuralist ideas that built upon or added to the Marxist theory, and contributed new ways of deconstructing literature. The Marxist concept of base and superstructure considers the economic structure of the society as the base upon which all other components of society rested. Out of this base grows the superstructure, which contains all the ideologies and systems that are extant in a given society. Marxist theory states that "ideological positions are a function of class positions, and the dominant ideology in society is the ideology of its dominant class" (Chandler). Therefore the general beliefs that can be detected in any of a society's subjects would have been inculcated from birth, and would reflect ideas necessary to keep the ruling class in power. According to the way Althusser fashioned this idea, beliefs arising from these can all be traced back to the economic base, and all ideological aspects of the superstructure reflect man's interpretation of his own relationship to his environment. This relationship, though complicated, can be applied to all the forms of culture or ideological state a pparatuses that derive from the base, and of these literature is one. Because literature is a part of a society's superstructure it must represent the ideology dominant in a given society. Literature may, therefore, represent or even appear to legitimise the economy upon which a society rests, but in its representation it also uncovers the beliefs of the writer and the framework of the society in which the writer lives. So it is that in this framework, characters in literature are considered in terms of their roles. Structuralism seeks to establish a connection between appearance and meaning. It is involved with the knowledge of and interactions between subject and object, and this with all the use of metaphorical and mimetic language, wherein one thing represents another ("Louis Althusser and the theory of ideology"). According to Althusser, ideology as a structure is rigid, but its contents are variable. In this way Marxist ideas lend their contents to ideological structure in the production of literature. Works of literature lend themselves to this kind of treatment as texts can be considered objects and the relationships contained in them can be fit into a structural or ideological framework. Althusser's view of history as a "process without a subject" reflects a certain level of belief in the unimportance of the individual. It views "historical materialism [as] a science whose methods should describe the patterns of multiple interactions and reciprocal causations among different levels in a social formation" ("Louis Althusser and the theory of ideology"). Therefore, works of art such as literature, produced as they are by artists locked into ideologies based on the economic and social milieu, illustrate in their structures the interactions and causations of the

Selling Wine Coolers in China Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Selling Wine Coolers in China - Essay Example Thirdly, environmental laws such as pollution, noise, mitigation risks and conformity to the laws should be taken into considerations. Fourthly, anti-monopoly laws and these laws are meant to protect companies from competition in the ever competitive markets. Lastly, corporate income tax laws are also among the regulations that should be taken into considerations when carrying out business activities in China. Marketing Plan Company Description The company is a new entity that will be established by its founder in China. The company will secure additional funding for growth and it aims to create job opportunities for many people. The company will mainly focus on selling wine coolers and it is anticipated demand for brand products will be high since the target market of sport minded consumers and retailers are likely to purchase products on the current offers. The company is interested to expand the product line and offer brand product line in order to sustain competitive advantage in the new business industry. Mission and Goals The mission of the company is to become the leading producer of wine coolers and marketer of high quality products that satisfy the demanding needs of consumers. One of the goals is to increase revenues and expand manufacturing abilities; thus, increase product distribution. Another goal is to enter the geographical areas of China market with a passion of maintaining strong customer and retailer relationships. Target Market The target market of the wine coolers industry is the active consumers and retailers who will also distribute to their consumers. The active consumers will be categorized in varied demographic segmentation, which will take into consideration age, education... The company is a new entity that will be established by its founder in China. The company will secure additional funding for growth and it aims to create job opportunities for many people. The company will mainly focus on selling wine coolers and it is anticipated demand for brand products will be high since the target market of sport minded consumers and retailers are likely to purchase products on the current offers. The company is interested to expand the product line and offer brand product line in order to sustain competitive advantage.   The mission of the company is to become the leading producer of wine coolers and marketer of high quality products that satisfy the demanding needs of consumers. One of the goals is to increase revenues and expand manufacturing abilities; thus, increase product distribution. Another goal is to enter the geographical areas of China market with a passion of maintaining strong customer and retailer relationships.  Target Market The target mark et of the wine coolers industry is the active consumers and retailers who will also distribute to their consumers. The active consumers will be categorized in varied demographic segmentation, which will take into consideration age, education background, income level, religion, culture and many other factors. Perreault, Cannon and McCarthy (22) argue that a defined target market is one of the first and significant marketing strategies for enabling the company to achieve effective business objectives.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

What is critical theory, its purpose and Robert Cox quotations, Essay

What is critical theory, its purpose and Robert Cox quotations, purpose and who is it for - Essay Example king of a problem-solving theory under the process of normatively and factually criticizing the original framework of international relations and beliefs thereof (Marilli). It would involve realization of a whole new historical configuration for the world that used to be known and established in the light of societies that have become accustomed to Marxist principles or the type in which central powers are normally attributed to a capitalist nation as in the U.S (Moolakkattu). Cox occurs to reserve the position that, since the world has undergone mechanisms of change apart from the ordinary cycle in several aspects, critical theory ought to be employed in seeking to study how the mutating political economy may be dealt with on a level that requires mutual global adjustment. Apparently, the purpose herein is to gauge the readiness of America, especially, in acknowledging a tremendous shift in economic and socio-political framework of a world order where its pursuit for world dominance is at stake. In an interview via ‘Theory Talks’, Cox claims â€Å"I think the biggest challenge is the relative decline of the U.S. in relation to the rest of the world and whether and how America will adjust to a world in which it can no longer presume to lead.† Through the critical theory, Eurasia is analyzed to bear the capacity of perceiving America’s encirclement of influence as triggered by the ‘war on terror’ which the Bush regim e initiated and the administration of Obama acquires the pressure of keeping with. Robert W. Cox and Critical Theory of International Relations. 2013.  Robert W. Cox and Critical Theory of International Relations  . [ONLINE] Available at: . [Accessed 01 January 2013]. Theory Talks: Theory Talk #37: Robert Cox. 2013.  Theory Talks: Theory Talk #37: Robert Cox. [ONLINE] Available at:  . [Accessed 02 January

Wikipedia entry. The Global city . Focusing on London Area Essay

Wikipedia entry. The Global city . Focusing on London Area Spitalfields - Essay Example A global city bears a large percentage of the world’s financial transaction, and there are twenty-five cities in the world which control almost the entirely global financial transactions. Among them, New York, London and Tokyo stand out as the most influential cities in the world, in matters of economy and financial transactions, and they are characterized by large scale in-migrations from different countries, societies and cultures throughout the world [1]. According to Sassen, a global city refers to the central â€Å"command and control point† of the global economy, where corporate presence is the fundamental characteristic, with many of the multinational corporations based in the city as their headquarters. Further, productive service companies such as accounting, management and law firms have also been attracted into the city, to provide services to the major corporations with their headquarters in such cities [1]. Productive Support Services in London Area Spitalf ields The concept of global city developed in the past two decades, and has become a phenomenal concept in the modern world, owing to the ability of the global cities to influence the financial and the economic activities of the world. ... Aspects of different socially stratified classes of societies The rise of the London Area Spitalfields as a global city started in the early 17th century, specifically in 1669, when Truman’s Brewery was opened and was followed by a major boost in 1682, when King Charles II issued a charter allowing for market activities to be held on two market days, namely Thursday and Saturdays [3]. It is the success of the market that encouraged people to settle in the region, and in-migration then followed, with the French being the first group to immigrate into the region, to bring their silk weaving skills which were highly desirable in the market. Subsequently, the Irish in-migrated into the region escaping from the potato famine, and were followed by the Jews. Between 1880s and 1970s, the area became an overwhelmingly Jewish community area, representing the largest Jewish community in Europe [4]. The Bangladeshi also followed the in-migration route, and by the early 20th century, the c ommunity had established itself in the London Area Spitalfields, and introduced further Eastern cultures, businesses and trades. Therefore, the London Area Spitalfields suits the definition of a Global city, because it has become the societal and cultural melting and fusion point, where different cultures from the East and the West were integrated, to create a unique regional culture of its own [5]. The evidence of the people who have given the London Area Spitalfields its unique name and culture is still observable to date, with the existence of Jewish synagogues, Methodist Chapel, Muslim mosques and Huguenot church for Christians [3]. Characteristics of London Area Spitalfields

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

What is critical theory, its purpose and Robert Cox quotations, Essay

What is critical theory, its purpose and Robert Cox quotations, purpose and who is it for - Essay Example king of a problem-solving theory under the process of normatively and factually criticizing the original framework of international relations and beliefs thereof (Marilli). It would involve realization of a whole new historical configuration for the world that used to be known and established in the light of societies that have become accustomed to Marxist principles or the type in which central powers are normally attributed to a capitalist nation as in the U.S (Moolakkattu). Cox occurs to reserve the position that, since the world has undergone mechanisms of change apart from the ordinary cycle in several aspects, critical theory ought to be employed in seeking to study how the mutating political economy may be dealt with on a level that requires mutual global adjustment. Apparently, the purpose herein is to gauge the readiness of America, especially, in acknowledging a tremendous shift in economic and socio-political framework of a world order where its pursuit for world dominance is at stake. In an interview via ‘Theory Talks’, Cox claims â€Å"I think the biggest challenge is the relative decline of the U.S. in relation to the rest of the world and whether and how America will adjust to a world in which it can no longer presume to lead.† Through the critical theory, Eurasia is analyzed to bear the capacity of perceiving America’s encirclement of influence as triggered by the ‘war on terror’ which the Bush regim e initiated and the administration of Obama acquires the pressure of keeping with. Robert W. Cox and Critical Theory of International Relations. 2013.  Robert W. Cox and Critical Theory of International Relations  . [ONLINE] Available at: . [Accessed 01 January 2013]. Theory Talks: Theory Talk #37: Robert Cox. 2013.  Theory Talks: Theory Talk #37: Robert Cox. [ONLINE] Available at:  . [Accessed 02 January

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Introduction How does money become contaminated with cocaine Essay

Introduction How does money become contaminated with cocaine - Essay Example o the fact that cocaine is snorted from rolled-up bills, money recovered on the drugs trade from police raids is often contaminated with cocaine heavily. Tainted bills put into the counting machines also contaminates money. Gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC/MS) is a technique in which a GC is coupled to a MS to separate, recognize, and quantify complex chemical mixtures. Vaporization of the sample solution takes place after it is injected into the inlet of GC. The sample solution sweeps by a carrier gas onto a chromatographic column. Flowing of the sample through the column causes separation of the compounds consisting of the required mixture by virtue of their interaction with the carrier gas and the column’s coating. The column’s latter part passes from a heated line of transfer and finishes at the ion source entrance. This is where the compounds are changed into ions. A mass analyzer fulfills the purpose of separating the ions that are positively charged. After separating, the ions enter a detector which sends information to a computer for visual

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Lottery by Shirley Jackson Essay Example for Free

The Lottery by Shirley Jackson Essay The community has no real knowledge of this ceremony. It seems ridiculous that a community would cling to such a barbaric tradition, especially when they dont even know the correct way to do it. It becomes apparent this community is very weak-minded. Even the way they congregated at the lottery was done systematically in a sexist way. This community could be convinced to do anything. There are so many points in the story that show these people know nothing of the lotterys history. First of all, this tradition has been slowly peeled away for centuries. The actual modern ceremony was obviously more somber, with no one making light jokes and friendly conversation.. Years and years ago this part of the ritual had been allowed to lapse. This quote makes you wonder how many parts of the ritual were lost. There were probably so many intricacies, proper ways to face, words to recite. This form of brutalism is treated very informally, with Mr. Summers dressed in just a white shirt and jeans. These people dont realize the major sin they are committing, nor do they realize the purpose behind it. The people had done it so many times that they only half listened This has no real meaning to them, its like theyre just going through the motions The worst part is the purpose of the ritual was not said or explained once. No one asked why this must take place, no one questioned it. All the people know is that once a year they have a draw, and kill someone as a community. The low intelligence level in this village also explains why ridiculous ceremonies like this can be carried out. The women are dressed very old fashioned, all with their dresses and aprons, following their menfolk. It was preferred that the men drew for the lottery. This decision was carried out very formally and business-like, as if it was such an important detail. Why make it such a point to exclude women, but treat every other part of the ritual so informally? They even go as low as appointing Mr. Summers the man in charge, the same man who devotes himself to all the youth related civic activities. The ritual appears to be a community activity, as if it was  written on everyones social calendar. The lack of formality is very disconcerting to the reader. The tardiness of Mr. Summers, the pleasant conversation, and so many more examples of disrespect and eagerness make it very obvious. They only follow parts of the ritual deemed necessary. get this over with, sos we can go back to work No one seems to realize this is a murder they are committing, it is inhumane. This ritual, passed down through generations, is no more important than a days work. As the draw is carried out, the people only hope it isnt the innocent children that are chosen. The kids cheered with relief when their slips of paper turned up blank. There was no sorrow for their mother, who had undoubtedly won the lottery, just relief their lives were spared. This would appear to any normal human as a useless tradition. It has no further meaning other than allowing a mortal sin to take place. If the whole community follows that makes it okay. Everything is changing but the cold-blooded murder. There are no formalities. No one appears to be taking it seriously, besides the one whose name was drawn. There is absolutely no mention of the purpose behind this ritual in the entire story. The people have no respect for the ritual itself, they just want to hurry up and find out who won, and get to the stoning.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Parameters For Future Energy Price Scenarios

Parameters For Future Energy Price Scenarios The ground rules of forecasting methods which rely on broadening of trends, says godet is unrealistic when the nature is an ever-changing and the phenomena which need to accounted are complex and related. [1] Taking the year 2025 as a near end to analyze alternative future developments and also to assure and reproducible framework using formal models and data to and harmonize regional aspirations with global possibilities, I take the following qualitative parameters into account. 1) Population: To relate population growth and energy demand, the link amid population and energy involves two mediatory connecting elements to be recognized. They relate to the changes in financial development. Typically, the greater a regions per capita revenue, the greater its per capita consumption of energy. [2] 2) Environmental taxes: Taxes on energy consumption and carbon taxes reflect instruments which reduce the polluting releases, by economists. Practicing environmental policies, the increasing number of Western European countries has applied taxes based on the emissions or energy content of the energy products. These definitely influence the energy price scenarios in the near future. [3] 3) Investments in energy supply sector Over the period of years 2001-2030 the total investment essential for energy supply infrastructure worldwide is estimated around $16 trillion.[4].This investment must be used to enlarge supply capacity and to replace present and future supply amenities that will be drained or become out-of-date during the projection period. The energy market of the world is expected to rise by 2/3rds over the next 30years. Energy infrastructure investment is a cardinal driver for the growth of the economy. Energy-investment requirements will account for an important fact of total domestic investment in Russia and other transition economies, Africa and the hydrocarbon-rich Middle East. Between primary fossil fuels, the capital intensity of investment varies considerably. Natural gas is about six times more capital-intensive than coal for equivalent energy supplied. [5] This is a powerful consideration for capital-constrained countries. Future investment needs are subject to many uncertainties, includi ng macroeconomic conditions, energy prices, environmental policies, geopolitical factors, technological developments. [6] 4) Energy technology cost: Advanced energy technologies can influence long-term energy investment outlook. Due to high deliverance costs in an imminent market, the fuel costs of travel in hydrogen fuel equipped vehicles would greater than those of the alternative conventional fuels, but they could ultimately become equal to gasoline vehicles. Fuel cell vehicles are prone to technology development hurdles; however, there should be large decrease in price of owning an automobiles before fuel celled vehicles become attractive to the general public. Fuel storage is also a problem. The extensive use of H2 has to be intervened by the government to improve its usage, refueling facilities and vehicles. Nuclear advances can lead to designs with less capital costs, shorter construction time and flexible operation, so improving the economics of nuclear electricity. There is widespread interest worldwide in a 4th generation of nuclear power reactors, though public opposition can continue. [7] 5) Energy technology diffusion rates: Energy Technology diffusion is a sophisticated process presenting diverse dimensions for analysis. In dividing the major aspects of technology diffusion, it is in the scope of this paper to analyze the process in different dimensions. It can have a huge influence on the pricing scenario. 6) Climatic Policies: The energy policies are constantly changing, especially in relation to climate change and the energy transition. The energy markets are lacking regulations, there is an increase in the demand energy from renewable resources and there are price hikes. And further changes are yet to come into picture. Many of these improvements are interrelated and it is difficult to foresee their impact on strategies. However, with an affirmative approach to new improvements and accessing the right skill we can minimize risks and avail opportunities. 7) Terrorism: Through 2025, internal skirmishes threat the stability around the globe. Terrorist attacks are now posing serious threats to the worlds economy and energy efficiency. Between now and 2025 terrorism will grow sophistically to a new height which breaches the world peace and harmony, indirectly effecting the energy efficiency and price scenarios. Due to these internal threats the local governments are tending to invest more on internal security sophistications and hence diverting the energy investments. We can expect more lethal terrorist attacks to occur in the future. Hence, terrorism can be considered as a threat to the energy efficiency. [8] 8) Natural Calamities: No nation, expert or forecasting technique can foresee a natural disaster and prevent its damage. Natural calamities can always affect a nations economy and energy stability. Energy price scenarios are highly influenced by these disasters. The effects include the diversion of investments to alternate housing provisions for disaster struck colonies. Relief measures have to be initiated and continued which includes huge energy consumption affecting the energy price scenario. 9) National and Local Politics: Government support is essential for energy policies. Creative technologies are to be experimented and implemented under the funding of the government; hence the frontrunners are planning to invest parts of their economy for these implementations. Since the global warming and other issues became serious issues of political interests, the government will be a substantial issue in energy pricing. 10) Cumulative primary energy consumption and renewable energy production: Cumulative energy demand and efficiency can be seen as an indicator of environmental influences to estimate the exhaustion of energy resources and usage of common energy sources considering a whole lifecycle. Prospective approach always emphasizes on consumptions in the future leading to formulating theories which in return help quantification this parameter. [9] 11) Cultural effects: Generally living cultures and groups grow continuously and affect one or the other forms of environmental activities at the lowest levels. For an example, if a person has a big car and a small car he would generally prefer to use a bigger car. Let it be for prestige or whatever, our culture is that way. So, cultural effects also worry the energy price scenario of the world. Consumer culture plays a weighty role in the energy needs and production. Ans. 1b) Identification of Quantifiable Parameters: All the qualitative parameters discussed in the previous section are not quantifiable but some are definitely quantifiable. Population. Environmental taxes. Investments in energy deliver sector Energy technology cost. Cultural effects. Ans. 1c) Godets Proposition I moderately agree with this specific aspect of Godets proposition. Qualitative forecasting techniques generally depend on expert opinions. These can be applied where historical data is available. But the historical data cannot directly interpret the future. Quantitative forecasting methods are used when past data is available. In the quantitative forecasting techniques the causation relationship is also taken into account. Qualitative forecasting emphasizes much on prediction of future through the present scenario. It can sometimes be too erroneous to depend upon. The cause is that predicting the future has always been an opportunity for us to let our minds run free. Eventually we will be happy or sad to see technological development which will produce unforeseen changes. As market by Godet, imagination can deceive but sometimes it can follow a trend. Extrapolation of the prevailing trend sometimes leads to futuristic thoughts. These, sometimes, can be accurate too. But I consider that extrapolation of the variable a good method rather than a complete extension of a trend. But, we cannot alone depend on our predictions always. Future had never been predicted exactly and never will be. We cannot leave our posterity with predictions only but we must prepare them for any situation. Prospective approach can be a solution to broaden our perspective towards the future but everything cannot be predicted. [10] Ans. 1d) Commercialization of energy efficiency in Japan 1. Although many firms may be developing energy technologies and might have super features with great scientific advances but the commercialization is a bug in the ear of such firms. Market-adaptation skills and institutions to take benefits are still scarce. In table 4 of paper by Osamu Kimura on Commercialization of energy-efficient technologies in Japan, some technologies which failed to get commercialized due to lack of marketing skeletal models. Michel Godets ideas on commercialization and qualitative approach could have definitely improved the commercialization potential of the technologies which failed to get commercialized due to marketing deficiencies. The main difficulty is a deficiency of commercial awareness where the advanced, inspirational and market related abilities to turn an idea or design into a dependable commercial able product. Specifically quality is the lacking factor. These market-related deficiencies are persistent in any economy. [11] Godet believed in an eight stage strategic approach, which he called a prospective approach, can be useful in commercializing technologies to the core. The first stage hawked with the socio-organizational context which sets the tenor for the entire process. Technologies which have failed at this level cannot move any further because it justifies technology and tell us why it is introduced. The second stage hawked a 360 degree x-ray oft the enterprise, its knowledge/experience, and its productive capacities. Such a verdict will be effective in commercialization since the trademark of the developer can also affect the extent of commercialization. The third stage emphasizes on the structural diagnosis of the enterprise, whereas, the fourth analyses the dynamics of an enterprise, its strengths and weaknesses etc. Technologies like Heat Transport System using vacuum insulation which were introduced and failed to get commercialized due to organizational instabilities can be improved of their potential if they are introduced by a more stable organization, according to the second, third and fourth stages in the prospective approach.[12] The fifth stage attempts to increase certainty in key questions about the future with experts advice and expand the risks, trends etc. Technologies like High Efficiency Heat Pump Using Multi Fuel Engine and High Efficiency Heat Pump Using Hydrogen Absorbing Alloy, which were dependent on fuels not available in the foreseen future, can be effectively commercialized using efficient fuel substitution on expert advice. The sixth seventh and eighth stages dealt in compatibility and implementation. Additional significant features of commercialization are constant product maturity development and cost decline. Technologies like Compression/Absorption hybrid heat pump, Heat recovery from slag process in steel plants, Heat transport system using surfactants and Absorption pump using natural refrigerants can be commercialized if they successfully pass through the sixth, seventh and eighth stages of the prospective approach. [12] 2) I completely accept the conclusions of the study. There were mainly four conclusions of the study. First, the government funding for private RD needs to be in long tem. The creation of new technology frequently plays a significant role as a source of economic evolution. Furthermore, social return is always greater than the private return and hence all countries want to introduce their technologies through government funding so that the technology can reach the public far well. Hence such technology introductions receive more loans and subsidies. Two of the bases which lead to such a technology are market fluctuations and underinvestment in such technologies. Whenever a technology is under RD, such a technology cannot be placed under secrecy and hence it will gain public interest and in turn the government funding can initialize its commercialization to a better level than a private company. Public RD funding surges the total RD expenditure only if the contributions spur firms to research and deploy projects that would otherwise recognized on a smaller scale. So, the government funding to the private RD has to be formulated to belong term so as to assist effective commercialization. Second, responding to and influencing market demand is a key to commercialization. Commercialization is the process by which people, responding to markets, transform new knowledge and technology into economically successful products, processes, or services. Knowledge, sessions and topical studies suggest that a national method to commercialization should highlight the demand for RD and technology and organize plans close to their marketplaces. Third, the deployment policy should complement the public RD in the commercialization phase. Implementation at the pre commercial stage is the beginning of the commercial distribution. This has to be done analogous to the RD so as to find out the pros and cons of the technology in the commercial sector. Finally, assessment of cost and market demand. The profitability of innovation depends on the costs of commercialization. In some industries or technologies, the sheer size of the investment re ­quired is the largest single hurdle to commercial ­ization.  ­ Only in niche markets, with less competition and consideration of costs, can small plants compete successfully in these industries. In other industries, however, cap ­ital costs do not present as great a barrier to com ­mercialization. . Especially in new industries that are expected to demonstrate strong learning- curve effects, decision makers often cannot deter ­mine how quickly production costs will drop to a desired level. Uncertainties regarding cost also enter the decision-making process. [13] Hence arrangements have to be made in order to develop commercial storage. This helps the economy and also the interests of the geographical analysts. The ongoing investments in energy storage show an urgent need of energy storage. There have to be a regulation or a regulatory committee keeping an eye on the investments in infrastructure which proves a potential alternative for the energy supply in the energy crisis. Greater efficiency of energy throughout its usage has to improve a lot in order to lessen the energy usage and use the available energy effectively and efficiently. Answer to question 2: Internal energy market legislation according to the demand price scenario. The OPEC oil price rise in 1973: 2a) Gazproms supremacy over the European natural gas market is a growing concern among Europes policy makers. In restricting European investors from the Russian market, challenging access to regulatory distributions on the European market, while concurrently exercising its influence upon the CIS states, Russia has showed it undependability as a long-term supplier. Emergency planning faced a hindrance by lack of consistent comparison between the known definitions and the operative measures which were taken. In this context I assume myself as a large manufacturer (large energy consumer) and describe my response. Early in the crisis, Europes gas industry showed its capability to manage with several features of the problem being faced by Europe. The presence of transaction covenants and supply contracts permitted establishments to work together to preserve sources to internal customers, schools and hospitals, during the unkindest days of emergency. [14*]. Manufacturers are withstanding high energy prices and supply cuts (as in this case where Gazprom cuts its energy supplies or increase price by 200%), where energy is only a smaller component in the cost of production. Usually the problems that persist for a large manufacturer when there is an energy supply cut or a price hike are: Generally the lack of fuel-switching capability in the cardinal equipment (which requires a lot of capital investment). Unattractive attributes of some energy-saving equipment, such as differences in quality or comfort and high cost. Energy-savings may be less important than other factor-savings. Energy storage before the energy crisis occurs (before the supplies are cut). Investments to buy more energy from the supplier before the energy supplies are cut. Transportation of fuel and transportation of raw materials/products. Searching for alternating sources, and pipelining Demand at alternative sources. Being a large manufacturer I am putting forward the following solutions, The Internal Market Principle, which one part of the market should help in supplying another part at a period when there is scarcity of energy must prove valuable. There is a lack of interdependence in the EU. This has to develop to a significant scale where the EU relies much on itself rather than the Middle East countries for energy supplies. Fuel transition from have to be diversified in order to make EU a comfortable, sustainable and competitive in the energy market. A more interconnected market is always required where the flexibility and security becomes a major aspect. More fuel switching options have to be introduced in order to reduce the risks that the reliability on a single supplier introduces. Gas storage is a useful task when there is an energy scarcity has to be implemented which plays an important role in proper market functioning under energy hindrances and supply cuts. The EU has to stop relying on a single supplier and diversify its importing strategy for securing its energy needs. Increasing dependence on gaseous fuels for electricity and domestic heating, with no or limited availabilities of fuel switching technologies is a greater risk. Developments have to be made in implementing renewable energy and enact fuel switching. Transportation has to be made more energy efficient for greater energy efficiency. Developing technological innovations such as self-powering open electrical power systems which extract the required electrical supply from active vacuum and readily scalable in size and yield. Measures have to be taken by the respective governments or the organizations to resolve the conflicts that rose between the producer and the consumer. Geo-political issues come into discussion here, which is out of our interest. Limiting the production and energy usage until the conflict is resolved is another option.[15] Ans.2b) In the above response, I believed in going with both out of the box solutions and a partially conservative, incremental approaches together. As manufacturer, one of my key duties to foresee a situation and change accordingly for the sustainable development of my organization until it achieves success. If an organization is performing well, it is evident for us that there is nothing wrong with the situation and it is perfectly under control. But still we need to extrapolate continuously and new ideas to secure the perfect condition of the organization. Innovation requires us to think out of bounds and it requires unlocking creativity. In the above context I searched for other possibilities of energy crisis and so I came up with effective solutions which may prove useful in the future also. For example, fuel switching is an out of the box solution. Adapting to the energy changes with new technology and energy efficient systems is an out of the box solution. Coming to the advantages of thinking out of the box in order to achieve service excellence; every business operation expresses strategies and measures which have been or are being accomplished in their particular industry by their counter parts; or all these systems have remained standing since time because there is a mindset that the customers are most contented and pleased with the way that they are being aided. In certain occasions; schemes and measures are a result of involvement of an individual or a team who seemingly are the achievers of the trade and are considered to be born geniuses who are totally in agreement with the pulse of their customers. This sometimes can be a conservative approach. It will work well when the situations are a repeat of the past. In the above solutions, storing energy, limiting the production and internal market principles are some examples of conservative approaches. Incremental approaches are primarily conflict resolving solutions between the cons umer and the supplier. All such circumstances are very risky and waiting to bounce back at a slimmest blunder. Interactions with customers, policy makers can be made interesting by thinking out of the box and adopting systems which are efficient when compared to those in the conservative approach. Ans.2c) I believe that an incremental approach is the best solution to reduce the ill effect created by inflexible market issues. This approach takes the initiative in solving the conflict by offering help to the conflicting parties. It can also prove useful to threaten both the parties and force them to take timely decisions in resolving the conflict. It also provides the conflicting parties with optional solutions along with their advantages and disadvantages. It, however cannot resolve all conflicts but it will definitely provide some assistance in at least reducing the magnitude ill effects. This kind of approach recognizes that gradual long term approach offers the best solutions to such conflicts. It also recognizes that dividing the conflict into parts and solving each part incrementally is a sound approach. The incremental approach recommends the parties to examine the full context of the conflict and recognize the unpleasant effects of the conflict. Sometimes this incremental approach involves functions like making negotiation between the conflicting parties, in smaller issues and then move on to the more adverse issues. Fractionalization is employed in breaking the issues into smaller parts and dealing with them one by one. This incremental approach has its own advantages and disadvantages. Braking up the inflexible issues and using negotiations to solve the conflicts are some of the advantages. But the conflict resolving techniques of this approach can bring up many other problems and can sometimes utterly fail in conflict resolving. Conservative approach is a one in which the parties will insist more on conservation compared to conflict resolving. This approach can work well only for a small, certain period of time. In this kind of approach there are no attempts made to resolve the conflict. So there can arise a situation where the conflict grow up to peaks and irresolvable. Conservative approach can go along with the incremental approach for the best performance. While negotiating with the parties, following an incremental approach, an inner conservative approach have to be followed. This can continue until the problem is solved. It also has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Service brilliance can also be achieved by doing accurate things in a diverse manner or simply by improving the quality of your procedures by thinking out of the box. An approach is said to be out of the box when that is new, creative and cannot be related to normal or conventional approach. Similarly a technology which is invented through unlocking creativity is known as an out of the box technology. Approaches leading to such out of the box technologies are known as an out of the box technological approach. An out of the box technological approach is different from straight approaches in various ways. Technologies which evolve from conventional approaches are necessarily improvements of past technologies. They depend a lot on the past variables and past attributes. Such approaches generally attract people/customers who are interested in improvements to the previous technology. Markets to such conventional technologies follow trends almost similar to those followed by their parent technologies. These trends can sometimes be variable attributing those to uneven results to the customer satisfaction, extent of improvement etc. Whereas, technologies which are out of the box are new and creative. There can be some implications to such creative inventions. Technologies that are out of the box need not be entirely new. When they follow a familiar theory, their implementation may be different; when they follow a familiar implementation, their background and theory may be different; when they follow a familiar theory and a familiar implementation, their field of application may be different or new. They can sometimes be entirely new too. Markets trends to such out of the box technologies are very unpredictable. The procedures that are made or are being followed cannot be inflexible and they cannot deal with out of the book solutions for every problem. All the initia l steps of careful screening would mean that the lineup dealing with the clients is armed with the right kind of boldness that is required in service industry. There is a very thin line between being elastic while providing furnishing the customers necessities and desires and breaking the rules and procedures in the apparel of serving people. [16] Ans.2d) I feel that foreseeing a situation which is already being seen is not an intellectual way of answering this question. Nowadays we are already in a situation where we need to do with less, in terms of capital goods, travel, and levels of comfort for the benefit of all. Presently we are personally reducing the usage of plastic, this is because plastic cannot be decomposed and when we try to decompose or burn it, it will produce harmful fumes. So this can be one of the cases where we are reducing our comfort levels for the sake of others. Instead, we are using alternative methods like replacing plastic with paper. We are even keen on implementing the three rs (reduce, reuse and recycle). Similarly, lighting is essential to a modern society. Lights have transformed the way we live, our efforts and our entertainment. Today, about five percent of the energy used in the world is for lighting our homes, buildings, and streets. Nowadays we reduced the amount of energy we consume for lighting, intentionally or unintentionally, we have begun using energy efficient systems. Reducing energy usage or switching to energy efficient methods can be efficient. In the last 100 years, appliances have revolutionized the way we spend energy and our time at home. Tasks that used to take ages are now achieved in few minutes, using electricity most of the time. Until the embargos of the 1970s, people drove without thought of fuel economy or ecological impacts. Aerodynamic designs were combined and engine size condensed. More vital was that engines were enhanced to upsurge fuel efficacy with fuel injectors and electronic communications. CO2 emissions are threatening to the world. Hence we are adapting to substituting fuels. We reduce our luxury for the sake of others and energy efficiency. We are using public transport to reduce the energy usage. Thinking collectively about the present and future is an important step, but reflecting upon changes in the environment should not become an end in itself. Similarly, we do not want to shine a spotlight on the surface while leaving the center in the dark. The future is genuinely the result of human will and initiative. Local ecological influences are likely to remain to take superiority over worldwide change in the accomplishment of sustainable energy developments. [17] Answer to question 3 3a) Major changes in the UK affecting the energy during the past 50 years also brought up with them a major technological change. Some may be positive and beneficial but some may be negative and ineffective. Lets talk about them one by one. Restriction on manufacturing new types of nuclear power plants (Sizewell B reactors). These have been the most important challenges for the technologists. They have to find new technologies for producing nuclear energy based on gas-cooled reactors because there is a restriction on building water cooled reactors. They have to build new reactors, storage units etc.; this demands a lot of finance to be invested initially. New technologies have to be developed to ensure the safety of the labor in this industry, for example, radiation resistant safety suits, etc., Gas cooled reactors a second generation British technology reactors which uses graphite as moderator. The advantage of this design is that the coolant can go to higher temperature than water. Resulting higher plant efficiency (above 40%) compared to the water cooled design (around 30%). This is recognized as the most important improvement in nuclear technology. [18] The Natural gas from the North Sea is being replaced by the gas derived from the Coal. This reduced the pressure on the coal industry. But this demanded new technologies for efficient offshore fuel extraction stations and for transport. Leak proof, underwater pipelines were a huge burden initially. Refining the fuel gas also introduced new innovations. Progress in offshore technologies is exemplified by advances in production platforms and production systems which highly rely on seismic technology. Drilling technologies have also improved a lot, leading to multilateral and multi branch wells. Floating storage vessels, shuttle tanks and condensation technologies are the most recognized improvements in the transportation technologies. [19] Privatization of the coal /electricity industries and British Gas As the technologies of the government are patented, privatization generally introduces new technologies into the respective industries thus causing technological expansion. Promoting renewable energy investment by consumers. Renewable energy investments promoted the developments of technologies in a lower, domestic level. The diffusion of new and renewable technologies is determined by a logistic curve function of two key factors: the size of the economic potential and the length of the diffusion process, which are different according to the technology. New and emerging renewable energy technologies include cellulosic ethanol, hot-dry-rock geothermal power, and ocean energy. Solar power panels that use nanotechnology, which is used in creating circuits out of individual silicon molecules, will probably cost half as much as traditional photovoltaic cells. The future prospects of electricity needs an innovation of nuclear and wind energies. Since earliest times, man has utilized the power of the wind. The technology has diversified over ages to include pumping water, grinding grain

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Drug Abuse Essays -- Illegal Drugs Addiction

Drug abuse is a widespread problem that makes individual drug users the prime victims. But drugs also affect all of us, wherever we live and whatever we do. Drug abuse can cause serious physical and mental deterioration. The problem can tear apart the family structure and make it hard for learning. Difficulties on the job due to drug abuse make it hard for employers to run their businesses. Stealing form employers or from individuals to get money from for drugs causes pain and economic loss to the victims. Arrests and jailing of drug users and dealers puts a strain on law enforcement officials and the criminal justice systems; the cost to taxpayers is enormous. The millions of dollars spent on illegal drugs in America encourage criminal activity and ribs the government of tax revenues. For all these reasons and many more the subject of drug about is extremely important. As a way of considering this vast subject, experts have classified the drugs according to their primary effects on the bay. Thus, the eight basic drugs classifications are: antidepressants, anti-anxiety tranquilizers, anti-psychotic tranquilizer, cannabis, hallucinogens, narcotics, sedative/hypnotics, and stimulants. Antidepressant drugs are substances that improve a person’s mood and are commonly used in the treatment of depression. Depression is a psychiatric problem that is characterized by a loss of interest in the most aspects of life, a slowing-down of activity, a feeling of worthlessness, and sometim...

Friday, October 11, 2019

The Consequences Of Environment Violations Environmental Sciences Essay

The Environmental Impact Assessment ( EIA ) procedure was governed by the EIA Notification ( first issued in 1994 and later revised and issued afresh in 2006 ) which has statutory position under the Environment Protection Act, 1986, the chief statute law regulating EIAs. Thus any violation of the prescribed criterions sum to a statutory misdemeanor. Central to the EIA procedure was the quality of the informations and information collected, presented and analyzed in the EIA which are the indispensable substrate for the determination shapers to make up one's mind over whether to allow environmental clearance to the undertaking or non. Sing the graduated table of the undertaking ( 12 MTPY ) , there was a critical necessity of holding a comprehensive environment impact analysis ( EIA ) for both the steel works every bit good as the confined port. The Ministry of Environment and Forests ( MoEF ) should hold insisted on a comprehensive EIA by roll uping full twelvemonth informations which was besides pointed out by assorted province bureaus and the Regional Office of MoEF. MoEf granted environment clearance on footing of a study based on individual season, this should hold been avoided. Even in instance of the port, the information was collected during September to November 2005, which was the monsoon period. Collection of informations during monsoon period is prohibited by EIA presentment. The POSCO undertaking was an incorporate undertaking embracing different constituents like the township, and other substructure development, which were left out of the range of rapid environment impact appraisal ( REIA ) and other baseline informations. As a consequence of partial EIA, the full environmental impact of the full undertaking was undermined. The EIA both for steel works and confined port was completed by July, 2007. The Regional office of MoEF, Bhubaneswar every bit good as the Orissa Government informed that transcripts of the comprehensive EIA were delivered by manus merely in October 2010 after the elucidation from the member of the commission. Submiting such a basic and critical study three old ages after the clearances was merely an empty formality. The MoEF granted clearance for a portion of the undertaking ( e MTPY ) , this should non hold been the instance, since all the other constituents and substructure of the undertaking, were aimed for the full undertaking.i.e. 12 million dozenss. This was particularly so when the enlargement programs are non sometime in the distant hereafter but contemplated at the rate of addition of 4 million metric tons every two old ages. POSCO should hold been asked to use for clearance of entire capacity. Otherwise, the logical measure would were to curtail the demand of land and the size of the port to the demands of a 4 MTPY capacity works. It inquiries the scientific and proficient prudence of the MoEF. In a recent study the MoEF came out with an environmental pollution index called as Comprehensive Environmental Pollution Index ( CEPI ) to assist in categorising the industrial bunchs in footings of precedence of be aftering demands for intercessions. Under this study Paradeep has a CEPI mark of 69.26 which shows that it was a badly contaminated country, merely surrounding on the CEPI of a critically polluted industrial bunch. The concern that the Paradip country was already polluted from bing industries was besides raised during the public hearing but unluckily it was ne'er addressed by any of the determination devising governments. The Technical Committee of the Orissa State Pollution Control Board raised many issues of significant importance specially related to air pollution which were non followed up to its logical terminal. The records do non uncover that these issues were of all time addressed before the clearances were given. However, even before these questions were satisfactorily answered by the undertaking advocate, the company was recommended for clearances and issue of Consent to Establish. This was a serious stepping down of statutory duty by the Orissa State Pollution Control Board. Concerns sing the impact of the POSCO confined port on the bing Paradip Port were repeatedly voiced by the governments every bit good as by the populace. The Ministry of Shipping, Road Transport and Highways, Government of India appears to hold a different position. A inquiry about inauspicious consequence of this confined private port was raised in the Lok Sabha to the Ministry of Shipping, Road Transport and Highways during December 2005. The so Minister in charge had replied â€Å" the proposed child port for POSCO steel works may take to terrible eroding along the coastline presenting a menace to the port installations at Paradeep † . The Minister besides stated that the Orissa Government was urged to set about a elaborate survey sing eroding if they decide to develop a minor port for POSCO and should tie in Government of India and Paradeep port with such surveies. Unfortunately the EAC and MoEF did non name for the survey study before giving clearance in 2007. The integrated steel works has a immense H2O demand. As per the Rapid EIA, the H2O demand will be met from Jobra Barrage over the Mahanadi River by puting an 86 kilometre long grapevine. POSCO has already taken an blessing from the Department of Water Resources, Government of Orissa, for backdown of 10 MGD H2O from the Jobra Barrage. The bing viing usage of the H2O resources from the Jobra Barrage are imbibing H2O for Cuttack and Bhubaneshwar metropoliss, irrigation H2O for agribusiness in four territories ( Cuttack, Jagatsinghpur, Khurda and Kendrapada ) and several industries, and these have non been taken into history. The Water Resources Department has allocated extra H2O from Hansua nalla for building intents which has non been disclosed in the EIA amounting to suppression of the information. The REIA has non addressed the widespread impact that will adversely impact a big population spread in a figure of large towns every bit good as territories. The Committee strongly felt tha t there were many serious oversights and illegalities in the EIA procedure. The EIA for such a megaproject was rapid, based on one-season informations without taking into history all the constituents of the undertaking like the township undertaking, H2O undertaking, railway and conveyance installations etc. Furthermore it was limited merely to Phase I of the undertaking. The infliction of extra conditions to the bing ECs ( conformity with the environment ) will non at all remedy the oversights and illegalities. There were serious misdemeanors with regard to Compliance of Coastal Regulation Zone ( CRZ ) . Some portion of the steel works was expected to come up on CRZ I ( I ) & A ; CRZ III countries which sums to misdemeanor of the CRZ ordinances. Dressing or changing of sand dunes, hills, natural characteristics including landscape alterations for beautification, recreational and other such intents are prohibited, except as permitted under the presentment. But the program was to widen the oral cavity of the brook to utilize it as an attack channel for vass. As per the REIA study for the steel works, a common wastewater intervention works ( CETP ) will be set up to take attention of untreated wastewaters from the production procedure and treated works healthful effluent. After partial usage of the treated H2O, the remainder of the H2O will be let into the sea by a undersea grapevine at 18-20 metres depth by jet diffusion. POSCO-India has non applied for CRZ clearance for this grapevine which amounts to suppression of facts and was a serious misdemeanor. In position of the above observations the commission felt that POSCO-India Pvt. Ltd has non addressed all the issues associating to CRZ presentment. There were a figure of serious oversights and misdemeanors, including suppression of facts. The Committee hence strongly recommended that the Environmental Clearance given by the MoEF dated 15.5.2007 for minor port and 19.7.2007 for the steel works should be instantly revoked. It besides recommended that environment clearance given by the MoE F vide missive dated 15 May 2007 should hence be revoked forthwith. Judgment or Verdict On 31 January, 2011, India ‘s largest FDI was cleared what could be its last hurdle. Environment and Forests Minister Jairam Ramesh gave his concluding finding of fact on South Korean giant POSCO ‘s Rs 52,000 crore steel and excavation undertaking to be set up in Odisha ‘s Jagatsinghpur territory. The nod came with 60 conditions. None of the conditions attached to this concluding blessing undo the sedate misdemeanors or right the concerns reported by three MoEF-appointed commissions. This determination besides fails to keep anyone accountable for the many anomalousnesss already documented, even though go againsting the Environment Protection Act ( EPA ) . In his concluding order, MoEF has asked the steel giant to â€Å" voluntarily forfeit † H2O should occupants fall abruptly of it, since it is Cuttack ‘s imbibing H2O beginning that will provide POSCO ‘s H2O. Another status asks POSCO to measure the impact of this undertaking on the fishing community and place donees, even though it was POSCO ‘s first appraisal that failed to include 1000s of fishermen as undertaking affected. The most confusing status relates to the most controversial facet of this undertaking: POSCO ‘s private port, which is located 12 kilometer from an bing major Paradip port, even though authorities guidelines prohibit two ports within such propinquity. Uncovering inside informations that POSCO had suppressed, the MoEF commission revealed that the port will take to building and waste dumping in high eroding countries in blazing misdemeanor of the Coastal Regulation Zone ( CRZ ) presentment. The port besides endangers the universe ‘s largest nesting evidences for the Olive Ridley polo-necks. In the concluding blessing, MoEF has asked POSCO to guarantee that â€Å" there is no industrial activity in the CRZ zones † . For this to go on, POSCO will hold to wholly redesign its port. It is ill-defined whether this is a pre-condition for the port building. If non, it merely perpetuates the misdemeanors of the CRA Act. Mentions Report of the Committee Constituted to Investigate into the proposal submitted by POSCO India Pvt. Limited for constitution of an Integrated Steel Plant and Captive Port in Jagatsinghpur District, Orissa Submitted to the MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS, Government of India, New Delhi BY MS. MEENA GUPTA on October 18, 2010 hypertext transfer protocol: // filename=Ne120211Conditions.asp hypertext transfer protocol: // Government v/s Union Ministry of EnvironmentBackground of instance The instance is about the permission for puting up a new airdrome in Navi Mumbai. This needed permission from the Ministry of Environment of India, since it had to acquire a clearance of around 400 hectares of forest land. There was a argument since major portion of the Rhizophora mangles would be destroyed taking to harm of the coastal country. Course of Action In November 1997, there was a survey done for the demand of a 2nd Airport, a commission was appointed which suggested site as Rewas Mandwa. In October 2000, State Government writes to Civil Aviation Ministry proposing Navi Mumbai as the site, because of better substructure. Until February, 2010 many studies were submitted by City Industrial and Development Corporation ( CIDCO ) and Experts Appraisal Committee ( EAC ) about the feasibleness, environment impact and other inside informations. During August October 2010 period, there were deliberations to salvage the Rhizophora mangles and to minimise recreation of H2O organic structures. October: A EAC visits site once more, It requests for redesign to forestall hacking of Rhizophora mangles, and recreation of at least one of the two rivers on the site. CIDCO agrees for the same and shifts non-aeronautical zone to the South to salvage around 400 hectares of Rhizophora mangles, reduces distance between tracks to forestall recreation of Gadhi river and minimise impact on Ulwe river. NOVEMBER 20: A Mr. Jai Ramesh, Union Environment Minister gets concluding recommendations from EAC allowing blessing on the status that 32 environmental precautions are met. Opinion The hurdle was cleared for the 2nd airdrome of India ‘s Financial capital. The green nod has been given merely if CIDCO complies to 32 precaution criterions. Cidco will besides hold to seek the permission of the Bombay High Court and the cardinal forest ministry in order to cut down Rhizophora mangles on 98 hectares for the project.A The prominent among the 32 conditions are as follows: CIDCO shall obtain necessary permission from Hon'ble High Court of Bombay for cutting of Rhizophora mangles and clearance under Forest Conservation Act 1980 as per the orders in regard of notice of Motion no. 417 of 2006 in PIL no. 87/2006, as required. CIDCO shall rehabilitate about 3000 households of 7 small towns falling within the part airdrome is traveling to be setup. Plantation of 615 hectares of Rhizophora mangles as biodiversity Parkss as compensation. CIDCO will carry on a study of the avian zoology before the start of the building of the airdrome and every 3 months thenceforth and the same should be uploaded on their web site. Mentions hypertext transfer protocol: // ? q=enmianws_nov10 hypertext transfer protocol: // Taluka Environment Protection Group and Bittu Sehgal V/S Bombay Suburban Electricity Supply CompanyBackground of instance The instance includes one of the most environmentally endowed countries of Maharashtra ; the taluka of Dahanu situated 120 km North of Mumbai. The economic system of Dahanu is to a great extant agrarian with the support of most of its population linked to the natural resources of that country. Dahanu is an ecologically sensitive part which was classified under the Indian Coastal Regulation Zone ( CRZ ) by the Ministry of Environment and Forest ( MoEF ) . In 1989 the State Government of Maharashtra approved a proposal of the Bombay Suburban Electricity Supply Company ( BSESC ) , to put up a coal-based thermic power works in the Dahanu Taluka. It was challenged by certain environmental groups and citizen organisations that filed a writ request foremost in the Bombay High tribunal under Article 226 of the fundamental law of India and so besides filed a request in the Supreme Court disputing the puting up of the power works in the Dahanu taluka which is classified as a ecological delicate part. Course of action With the blessing of the State Government of Maharashtra, Bombay Suburban Electricity Supply Company ( BSESC ) under the authorization of the Department of Power, Ministry of India started the puting up of a coal-based thermic power works in the Dahanu Taluka.Because of its propinquity to Mumbai ; it has been invariably a victim of environmental pollution and debasement on history of of all time turning belt of industries. The major purpose of the power works undertaking was to provide to the demands of the of all time turning population of Mumbai. Prior to the blessing of the State Government of Maharashtra in 1989, the Environment Department of Government of Maharashtra granted site clearance to the undertaking subjected to the status that company obtain all the needed clearances from the other concerned governments as good. In 1989, the Ministry of Environment and Forest granted project clearance on the environmental angle to the Department of Power, Ministry of India to travel in front with the undertaking. Dahanu was besides declared ‘eco-fragile ‘ by a authorities presentment. As per the presentment under the Environment Protection Act, 1986, the development of industries, mining operations and other development in such a part is restricted. Dahanu was besides notified or classified, under the Indian Coastal Regulation Zone ( CRZ ) by the MoEF on 19 February, 1991. The CRZ bans any new building and development activities within 500 meters of the high tide line. On 29 March 1989, two local environmental militants: Nergis Irani and Kityam Rustom ( Members of the Dahanu Taluka Environment Protection Group ) along with Bombay on a higher Environmental Action Group filed writ requests foremost in the Bombay High Court and subsequently in the Supreme tribunal disputing the determination of the Cardinal Government to construct the power works in malice of the ecological menace confronting the part. The rule expostulations of the suppliants in the request filed in the Bombay High tribunal were: The undertaking violated the status no ( nine ) of the Memorandum of the Government of India necessitating a 500 meters to be kept between the high tide line grade and the construction of the undertaking. The H2O discharged from the chilling works into the brook was adversely impacting the aquatic life in the creek H2O. The misdemeanors of the presentment of conserving the Environment in an Eco delicate part. The Bombay High tribunal rejected the requests on the evidences of several feasibleness surveies and commission studies. Besides, the necessity of supplying power to the metropolis of Mumbai was precedence at that clip. In 1994, environmentalist Bittu Sehgal along with same suppliants filed a writ request in the Supreme Court inquiring the Court to implement the eco-fragile presentment and the CRZ presentment of the Government of India in Dahanu Taluka. The Supreme Court so appointed the National Environmental Engineering Research Institute ( NEERI ) to look into the issues set Forth in the request. Based on the NEERI study, the Supreme Court upheld the Dahanu Notification forbiding any alteration of land-use in the part and ordered that a commission of experts be formed under Section 3 of the Environmental Protection Act of 1986 which was empowered to guarantee the execution of Court waies every bit good as the eco-fragile presentment of 1991. The Authority directed the company to put in an FGD ( Fuel Gas Desulphurisation ) works for the environmental safety and protection and for the well being of Dahanu. The company was besides ordered to do attempts for obtaining gas and utilize it if available in penchant to coal. The thermic power works was taken over from BSESC by Reliance Energy Ltd ( REL ) in 2002 and Dahanu power works continues to run as per the orders of the Indian Supreme Court. Judgment or Verdict The request filed by the environmental groups and citizen organisations in the Bombay High tribunal in 1989 disputing the puting up of the power works in the Dahanu taluka was rejected by the Bombay High tribunal. The suppliants so filled the request in the Supreme Court disputing the misdemeanors of the several environmental presentments. The Supreme Court so appointed an adept commission to look into the issues. The commission directed the company to put in an FGD ( Fuel Gas Desulphurisation ) works and maintain all the emanation parametric quantities good below the criterions. This instance highlights how the post-judgment judicial activism through the Supreme Court appointed supervising commission in the Dahanu Power Plant has ensured the effectual execution of Court orders. Mentions hypertext transfer protocol: // www.infochangeindia.orgNiRMA CEMENT PLANT V/S Union ministry of environment and woodsBackground of instance The instance includes one of the most environmentally endowed countries of Padhiarka small town in Bhavnagar territory of Gujarat. The economic system of this part is to a great extant agrarian with the support of most of its population dependent onthree check-dams built in the country between 1998 and 2002 under a Gujarat authorities strategy to extenuate H2O deficits in this drought-prone part. These simple constructions stopped the saltwater and besides stored the rainwater during monsoons in reservoirs, reloading the groundwater. The 1.91-million-tonne-per-annum cement mill, with its coke oven and confined power workss, is being built by the detergent major Nirma. The mill is being built over the Samadhiyala reservoir, a big H2O organic structure constructed by the authorities to supply irrigation. Local husbandmans and villagers have been resolutely opposing this undertaking Course of action On March 12, the Ministry` of Environment had ordered â€Å" lasting suspension of work † with respect to 1.91 million metric ton per annum capacity cement works of Nirma Ltd, along with its confined power and coke oven works near Padhiarka small town in Mahuva taluka of Bhavnagar territory. The determination was taken on the footing of a study by the Experts Appraisal Committee ( EAC ) , which found misdemeanor of the Environment ( Protection ) Act 1986 by the undertakings being set up in a wetland in the territory. Unfortunately, the province authorities has played along with the company in this blind. The land allocated to the mill by the province authorities has been categorised as graze and barren in gross records. It is for this ground, when the Gujarat High Court was hearing the request of the husbandmans, the authorities argued that since the land was non listed as a H2O organic structure it had the right to apportion it to industry. No protection was needed because technically there was no H2O organic structure on this land! The environmental impact appraisal, used to allow clearance to the undertaking, says the works is situated on waste land. It does non advert the rivers that surround the site, conveying H2O to the reservoir. It does non even acknowledge the cheque dike, which the company has vandalised. Subsequently, when the truth of the H2O organic structure was established utilizing satellite imagination, the push was to happen a via media solution. In High Court, the husbandmans were told their H2O organic structure would stay but merely if they agreed to a divider – some 100 hour angle of the lake would be returned for irrigation. But they would hold to hold to give away the remainder, where the mill would be built. Judgment or Verdict The request filed by the Ministry of Environment and Forests Gujrat High tribunal disputing the puting up of the cement works in Padhiarka small town in Bhavnagar territory of Gujarat was rejected by the Bombay High tribunal. Terming it as â€Å" illegal † the way by the Ministry of Environment and Forest ( MoEF ) to hold work on its cement works at Bhavnagar territory in Gujarat, Nirma has said the orders had no binding on the company. The Ministry had on March 12 ordered â€Å" lasting suspension of work † at the 1.91 million metric ton per annum capacity cement works, along with its confined power and coke oven works near Padhiarka small town in Mahuva taluka of Bhavnagar territory. It had besides directed the company to react to a notice as to † why the environmental clearance accorded to the undertaking should non be revoked and arrest of the work non be made lasting † . On the same twenty-four hours, the company wrote a missive to the Environment Ministry saying the way under Section 5 of the Environment Protection Act 1986, to halt execution including building work of the undertaking, was â€Å" wholly without legal power or authorization of jurisprudence including in misdemeanor of the rule of natural justness † .